Aim 網頁 CM Exclusive design page

General web company web design services, the cost does not include hosting services, the final hidden charges tend to be higher than the budget! CM2800 exclusive design page has included the necessary services, suitable for most of the customers needs. At the discount price, for your page with the ideal design.
CM2800 content include :
‧ fixed 7 units of A4 size of the page production ‧ 1 page template selection
‧ The number of product photos is 20 sheets ‧ Static banners design 1
‧ Automatic email response form 1 ‧ Trademark production 1 (plain text)
In addition to CM2800, there are other value-added services, some concessions to send more:
First year web hosting service (hosting service includes this web page database)
Do not provide FTP services, such as the need to provide FTP services, plus HK $ 1500 a year (capacity 1G)
Pop3 email service 10
Searchers such as Yahoo, Google, MSN, and so on
Sign in at the popular website ""
Note: If you need senior designer planning and design, can be quoted separately
Nice Capital Group
Angel's Aroma
NailNail HK
HK Baby Sitter

he company is a web design company, which CM2800 web design is our frog web design in the most popular web design plan one of the first cheap, just Hong Kong dollars$2800, Including a 10-page A4size page design, is an exclusive design page, these pages are designed by our web design division, if the guests have a basic concept of the page, we can also follow the customer's request In order to meet the requirements of the customers, the page will include the design of the appropriate banners, customers can provide their favorite photos, or by us to search, we can meet the requirements of the guests, our plan CM2800 Of the ten pages are designed to write PHP program, all the contents of the page, such as text and photos are provided by the customers, in the range of ten pages we will be valet input, the customers can also omit a lot of valuable time The And if the guests together with our company's strongest promotion of SEO services, it is even more powerful, than the average system to do the optimal ranking of the success rate and stability than other system pages 33.3% higher, in addition, this plan more package The first year of storage, unlimited capacity
, unlimited traffic, more 24-hour monitoring system, the most important thing is cheaper than the market of mosquito companies, so become the first choice for most of the guests.

With more and more competition, the success and failure of many corporate websites lies in a web designer's seo expertise. In addition to the purpose of a web page is to impress the target customers, but also need to attract the search device storage! So we have been in the design of the web page has set up a good foundation for your seo, of course, including our series of templates page.

AIM with the increasing online competition a professional webpage designer will certainly mean the difference between success and failure for many businesses. A web designers aims to impress the targeted audience as they are fully aware that the web design template can affect the positive or negative attitude of its online visitors.