Aim 網頁 24 hours web design quotation

Please enter your requirement of the web design. The form will be submitted via online. We shall contact you as soon as possible upon the receipt of the form. You may also print the form and fax to 21510488.

Please complete the above form, our AIM quotation professions will reply you as soon as possible. If you are unable to complete the below form, you may also dial 22430803 and ask for a quotation.
(* Compulsory)

* * Contact person name:

* Contact email:

* Contact telephone number:

* How to know Aim?
(e.g.Yahoo、Google、facebook advertisement, etc)

* Industry of the web

Please answer the below questions before ask for a quotation:

Your web technology level: High  Medium   Low

Is it the first time to create a web? Yes   No

Do you own a web? No   Yes(Please provide the link)

Quotation content

Hosting service : Host by myself   Host by Aim

Language option : Traditional Chinese    Simplified Chinese    English   
Other language

Reference web:

Request on web: Personalized web    Design web    Functional web ( Eg, group buying, online shop)    Others

Nature of web: B to B    B to C    C to C

Source of web flow: (eg, web advertisement by my own, EDM promotion, Magazine, etc)

search engine login: No need    Done by myself    Done by Aim    Done by myself with advice from Aim

Mobile version: Need   No need

LOGO : Provide by myself   not yet have, will submit later
Design by Aim,Main colour

Main colour of the web: Black   Grey   Red   Orange   Yellow   Green   Blue   Purple   White   Other

Expected page of the web:

Special effect: Dynamic grouping   Dynamic button   Dynamic banner   Videos   None

Other functions

Self-help page CMS Page

Individual product enquiry function

Member function (Approval is required)

Mouse effect

Product categorization function Layer

Member function (No approval is required)


Member function (No approval is required)

Shopping Cart function



Instant pay function

fb share, like

360 degree product display

Discount offer

Form Table

Browsing right

Print invoice

Scoring Form

Enlarge picture function

Auto invoice to customer

News Update function

Interactive function QQ, Skype, LC

Web product analysis report (Eg, hit rate, sales volume, order volume)


Mobile version switch function

Web flow report (IP tracing, source of search engine, effectiveness of advertisement)

Press button effect


Download function

General search function

News Update function

Bonus points

Background music

Brand, attribute classification

Advance search

Share web links

Sorting function

Group buying function

Comment function

Coupon function


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