Aim 網頁 Brand Guidelines Book

Brand manual design
Brand Guidelines Book means the manual of the brand. It mainly describes the display and handling of logo and derivative products in different media. Eg, The size of the logo, the colour guideline, ad template, assistant visual element handling, and some basic rules. For some companies, it also includes uniforms, company cars, souvenir, to ensure the unity of the company.

A set of comprehensive brand guideline book is essential for industries such as Banking, Insurance, Enterprise and Large Retail Brands, to express the professional, trustable and reliable image.

Brand Guidelines Book is normally required by large size firms. For smaller size companies, they usually need the brochure to describe the display and handling of logo. All Brand Guidelines Book usually have both the paper version and online version for read and download.

這是為一間內地製衣廠製作的品牌應用手冊,我們由商標設計在不同媒體的應用、顏色種類 (Colour Palette)、字體運用 (Typeface)、廣告格式 (ad template)、信件/報價單的格式,以至員工製服設計及運輸車輛均需要設計,務求令品牌各項目達至統一性。
為美容品牌客戶設計及制作 5 吋 X 5 吋 風琴摺,作2019美容展及日後推廣之用。
為美容品牌客戶設計及制作A5 雙面傳單,作2019美容展及日後推廣之用。

For any enquiries or design quotation, please feel free to call us at 22430803.