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our facebook Apps service

Internet traffic monitoring agency Hitwise published a report by the end of 2010, in 2010 beyond the Google home page, becoming the largest US site visits, in January 2010 to November to occupy all visits 8.93%. And facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has become the era magazine selected 2010 man of the year, but also the momentum of Facebook moment without two.

Some easy to use Facebook Apps, you can immediately master a large number of activities in the target customer base, and you only lack is facebook Apps programming and development of technology only, Aim will help you open up this unlimited online business opportunities!

facebook應用 facebook Applications

Facebook application is a new way of interacting with customers indirectly.
With Facebook application (facebook Applications) You can maintain and develop long-term customer relationships.

* Improve brand awareness and loyalty
* Use interactive applications from consumer battles so that they become your friends.
* Facebook's application is one of the most effective viral marketing methods available today.
* Through the characteristics of Facebook news sent to create non-conscious Internet users push.

facebook應用程式 Forward offer application (Share Applications)
Through the transfer to get concessions, resulting in a virus spread to their friends.
facebook應用程式 Gift offer application (Gifting Applications)
Users can send virtual gifts from your Facebook page to their friends.
facebook應用程式 Role play game application (Role playing games Applications)
"RPG game" is a way to allow your customers to go to a fictional world, into the space you create.
facebook Applications Trivia application (Trivia Applications)
For fun, the user will compete with each other, in the leading position in the list of their own
facebook Applications Multimedia applications (Multimedia Applications)
So that users can submit and view the user habits, control the media brand is a good helper.

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