Aim 網頁 Baidu promotion service

Baidu promotion service helps customer to get your all time

→ Reach 95% Chinese website visitors. The current largest tradtional Chinese and Simple Chinese seach engine over the world. Over 5 billion search requests each day.
→ No charge for not success makes you more easy to enter the Great Chinese online sales platform. No Charge and Counts when no Clicks, at the same time, to earn the free display chance.

email promotion



In Baidu, averagely each day has:
Around 2.28 million message search on argricultural and fishing
Around 3.55 million message search on arhitecture and decoration
Around 6.95 million message search on mechanical equipment Around 1.27 million message seaarch on tourist and ticketing Around 13.43 million message search on commercial service Around 28.07 million message search on books, audios and videos

Alliance promotion

Baidui Alliance has more than 600 thousands Quality Chinese promotion platforms.

By using the consumption counting, you can display your online advertisement more effectively

Can display text message / specific picture / Flash animation / floating message / post message, etc

Branding zone

Customer can inside the Baidu branding zone, it is at the top of the search result of the home page.


Make the brand more convincing
Use text, picture and video to establish credibility
Improve the business first impression of the brand.
Establish strong reliability.
Can combine with other sales calculation method to improve the promotion effectiveness.
Can communicate with customer directly through the official message

-Logo of the official website
-brand logo
-pass the examination
-Exclusive product descirption

movable search promotion

Movable search can through

Mobile, Ipad
Pormote your website, onlione store and mobile App

Promotion feature
- Dial through direct click

- Request your customer to download your App

- Interactive with you immediately, to inquire your service and online products



Other special display style

- Pre-movie advertisement
- Visual picture catergorization advertisement
- Audio categorization advertisement
- Map pining advertisement
- Movie pause advertisement
- iPad video advertisement
- Personal recommendation page
- Reality enrichment advertisement

Other special display style

Many brands try to make use of Baidu Baike to improve their popularity. It is because Baidu Baike is an open-content, free-style internet encyclopaedia, same as a Chinese knowledge encyclopaedia of internet users.

Offical Information
Such as the abbreviation of the brand: LV = Louis Vuitton

Third Party Editing Protection
When there is a edit request raised by third party, a whitelising and approval is required to avoid any malice.
Additional component
Add function suuch as online customer service in the page

 Traffic Driving

For example, when Louis Vuitton joined Baidu Baike, it can be searched by 'LV'.

Howver, for another hot pick brand Bottega Veneta, because it doesn't join the Baidu Baike, therefore, no infromation will be serached by 'BV'.

High Ranking on Natural Search Result

According to the informaiton, those brands registered in Baidu Baike are more suitable for search engine, and therefore have benefit on natural ranking.
For example, despite the Baidu PPC advertisement, Burberry (See attached) has higher ranking in Baidu Baike.

Add-On Modules

Baidu Baike also has beautiful composition. Branding merchants can add the below in Baike for their own brand:
 ‧ Background colour, strengthen the company style and impress the customers
 ‧ Company logo
 ‧ Company introduction
 ‧ Contact information

Please contact our team at 22430803 to seek professional advice on advertisement production and online poromotion clicks.